Thursday, June 21, 2007

Photo's of Ron

I worked with Ron. He had been taking some pictures for me and came by the office so I could download them to my computer. These came along with the download. He told me that I could "go ahead and delete" the pictures of him, but I decided to keep them. Now today, I can share them all with you. I believe these were taken on or around his birthday in 2006.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Life As It Is: Encouraging Words from Ron

Ron was a kind and caring person who always made time to share words of praise or encouragement. Last Summer, after my father passed away, I was kind of low in spirit. In an email to Ron, I mentioned the toll my grief was taking on my everyday life. In response, Ron had these encouraging words for me. I think it is appropriate now to share what he said.

Dated: September 5, 2006

Subject: Life as it is

Hi friend;

Things will lift for you. The hardest thing to do is letting go; good skill to develop, but hard as hell to practice. Love will always be there between you and your Dad. He is in a MUCH better place, to be SURE! We’re left to carry on, to do God’s work, to love and be loved; to work; to play; to grieve; to be.

Prayers your way, healing the heart is available and ready when you are; this is the life we are living, it ain’t easy, but it’s what God has given us, and we must honor that by loving God by being true to ourselves.

Peace and healing;
